Sabtu, April 25, 2009


Hey dear all...

I will participate in 2nd MIX Marketing Gathering,

Organized by : MIX Interactive


2nd Marketing Club Gathering in 2009

It’s Time to expand your Knowledge!

It’s Time to expand your Network!

It’s Time to expand your Strategy!

It’s Time to expand your Market!

It’s Time to expand your Customer!

Join Now and Contact MIX Interactive Team :

Ami & Susan

Telp : 021-345 33 21 , 021-994 643 81

Hp : 0819 329 66 550

Or if you want to Expose your Brand in Our Event, please contact:

Fiza, 0856 920 605 22

Note: Special discount for BSM/Miss Jinjing Readers

cya there

amelia masniari

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