Sabtu, Juli 25, 2009


Nothing beat sunny day with happy heart wearing Vanessa Bruno Silk Drape Dress, having cup of coffee with best friends...

I love brown so much... and this Mulberry's bay water bag is so gorgeous... stunning for every occasion...

Matching with Brian Atwood booties and Fendi Metal Logo Cuff... so pretty...

What a perfect happy day

Always give thanks to almighty GOD


Miss Jinjing

Thanks to Net-a Porter ( my most favorite on line shop )

2 komentar:

Ajeng Sueztika Constitusia mengatakan...

wah mbak amy. untuk sekarang ini masih belum bisa punya barang2 ini secara real karena blm pny duit sendiri. hehehe... it's in polyvore, and i adore taht mulbery bag. love to use it on my sets :) doain saya bisa spt mbak amy. bisa pny uang banyak dan eli barang bagus *kenapa jadi ky matteo ya* hihihihi

Ferzya Farhan mengatakan...

wow! i love the bootish! ;D