Thanks for highest appreciation to BSM, Guys...It means a lot to me , BSM and all of my friends, BSM milis and loyal readers.... And it wont happen without you.... We got more than 10.000 readers in last 4 days...It brings new spirit to all of us and inspiration to some person, for sure...
Spesial thanks to Wendy, Esther, Daniel.. and all of you.... Hope we can be bestfriend and partner in the future....
Lotta Love, on behalf of BSM, Milis and Loyal Reader...
Saya punya sahabat SMA, namanya Cylke Atwir, panggilannya ike...., sejak saya SMA, di SMAN 70, ( sekolah yang katanya tempat orang keren dan beken ???? ) , saya memang tidak pernah langsing, gendut dan chubby... Bedanya saya dengan Cylke, dia pede abis dengan chubby nya, saya sampai sekarang tetap krisis percaya diri, meski sudah didandani make up artist setenar om Sugi dan om Alfons..... Terakhir saya dan ike, bahas-bahasan masalah beauty dan size... masalah yan sering membuat saya selalu sensitif... masalahnya saya sadar kalau ga di up grade abis-abisan, saya tuh ga ada cantik-cantiknya... dan saya terlalu bergantung dengan ke dua om yang saya sebutkan diatas..... oooohhhh....
Memasuki umur 36 , saya sudah mulai panik melihat perut buncit, kantong mata, garis muka yang agaknya sudah mulai memperlihatkan diri.... oh tidak........ apa lagi setelah saya jadi terpaksa jadi banci tampil di berbagai media... jadi tambah sensitif rasanya kalau dikritik atau dikomentarin orang.... ya Ike ini lah yang jadi tempat curhat saya....
berikut ini kutipan percakapan saya sama sahabat saya ini,
AM, darling, how are you???? CA , am owkey, dear... wish u're here, so we can talk all nite long... huehehehehe... AM, Darling, emang elu ada gosip apa????.Eh elu liat gue kan di NOVA???? Masa ada yang bilang, " Mbak Amy Molegh banget sih???, sebel deh gue..... CA, Lha, ada gak ada gosip, obrolan kita selalu seru bukan??? hehehehe... Ntar deh, gw beli Nova... Waah kalo ada yang bilang elo Molegh, brarti bagus dooong... kan sexy... ;) AM, trus ada yang lebih gila lagi neh... bilang gini, mbak, aku nih gendut... selalu sebel being gendut... trus aku lihat mbak, baru sekali saya terinspirasi orang gendut.... hahhahaha.... halah..... stress gue... padahal tuh photo dah setengah mati di atur biar ga lebar2 amat... baju juga dah zara yang paling ngelansingin se toko hahhahahaa CA, hahahaha... sabar buuuuu... yang penting inner beauty lageee... ;) AM, nasib deh, biar kata gendut.... tapi cantik kan hahhahaha....what a curse..... CA, yoi!!! tentunya, My... kecantikan lo tetep nempel koq tenang aja... beauty is not the matter of size, dear... it's what's inside... ;) --- catet ya, itu quote gw! hahaha... AM, ok, quote elu akan gue pajang di blog yah... CA, Boleh buuuu... ;) Ntar kalo gw ngetop tanggung jawab yaa... hahaha... ;) AM, tenang, gue ga keberatan kalau kita sama2 ngetop abis, kan sama2 banci tampil hahhahaha
Tuh, bener kan, quote nya sahabat saya ini, bagus banget... saya sampai terharu banget... menyadari ketidak pedean saya ini....
Dear Ike. thank you for being bestfriends for 20 years.....
I wish you only the best and the luckiest... ever....
Setelah menimbang dan membicarakan dengan berbagai pihak, Saya, mewakili si cantik MJ, Gagas Media, Gramedia, Radio Metro FM akhirnya memutuskan MJ Grand Lauching akan diadakan di Gramedia , Jambi, Minggu, 23 November 2008.
Semua orang pada bertanya pada saya, tidak salah nih??? Jambi??? Memang Jambi bukan kota yang ngetop sebagai tempat pariwisata, bukan kota bisnis.... tapi percaya deh... Jambi tempat yang sangat nyaman untuk tinggal menetap.... terlepas apapun bisnis dan pekerjaan anda...
Saya lahir dan besar di Jakarta, menyelesaikan pendidikan di Jakarta, cinta membawa saya terdampar di Jambi, tapi selama empat tahun ini saya betah dan bahagia tinggal di Jambi yang sangat tenang... walaupun sepertiga waktu saya dalam sebulan ada dibelahan dunia lain.... hahhahaha.....Btw... saya bangga berpaspor Jambi karena tidak usah bayar fiskal hahhaha....
Saya merasa sudah mendapat banyak hal dan kenangan dari Jambi, dan saya rasa sudah waktunya memberikan kontribusi balik kepada kota yang sangat saya cintai....To be honest, memang kalau biasa tinggal di Jakarta, pertama kali tinggal di Jambi rasanya sepi dan udik banget... apalagi kalau sempat terdampar di kabupaten yang jauh lebih sepi lagi seperti TEBO. Tapi setelah beberapa tahun kemudian, ketenangan yang ditawarkan Jambi, membuat saya tidak ingin kembali ke Jakarta yang selalu bermasalah dengan polusi dan macet yang bisa bikin saya nyaris gila..... Walau tidak memiliki mal sekelas Senayan City atau Pacific Palace dengan Kidzanianya, tapi Jambi bisa membuat anak-anak saya menjadi tidak konsumtif.... paling kalau kami bosan, kami bisa menyeberang ke Singapura, dan bebas Fiskal pula.... Jangan heran jika warga Jambi lebih mengenal Singapura daripada Jakarta.
Ada keinginan saya agar Jambi lebih dikenal masyarakat Indonesia bahkan internasional, dan ada juga keinginan agar masyarakat Jambi bisa lebih akrab dengan dunia menulis populer( yang sangat menjanjikan di masa depan)... karena saya percaya banyak diantara mereka berbakat, hanya saja tidak tahu bagaimana harus memulainya.... Mungkin saya tidak bisa berbuat banyak, tapi paling tidak saya bisa memulainya....
Sejak pertama kali saya menyadari bahwa saya memiliki banyak milis BSM yang sangat berbakat, saya langsung berkomitmen untuk memberikan support terhadap mereka dengan cara yang saya bisa kerjakan.... Yang pertama kali adalah Nilma Hoffman yang sangat terkenal dengan Wire Jewelrynya, Rina Safrina dari Banjarmasin dan Monthy Rosselini dengan silver jewelrynya yang setelah menikah lebih memilih tinggal di Kuala Lumpur..... setelah itu banyak sudah yang saya liput karena rasa bangga saya terhadap mereka.
Ketika saya berada di Bali, Evie email saya untuk melihat websitenya,,,,,,, saya seperti biasa.... penyakit, ga bisa lihat barang bagus... langsung terperangah... melihat website yang keren banget itu...
Dan yang saya lihat pertamakali adalah tas nya... maklum dong, bag lover.... OMG.... keren banget dan eksotis banget... apalagi untuk excotic leathernya dari kulit Phyton..... sumpah... keren banget.... meski sebenarnya model dan strukturnya sederhana.... tapi kualitas pattern dan jahitannya bagus banget... sudah sesuai standard internasional....
Dan yang saya salut banget, produk ini berani memberi brand yang sangat Indonesia banget... ONEN SURONO... memang tidak terdengar komersil, tapi sangat khas.... cocok untuk sebuah brand.
Produk ONEN SURONO yang dari kulit sapi juga memiliki kualitas dan tekstur yang sangat baik. Saya yakin dengan dengan promosi yang baik, dedikasi dan konsistensi, produk ini bisa jadi produk kelas internasional di masa depan...
Oh.. i love this clutch so much.... my favorite....
ONEN SURONO akan menjadi official sponsor untuk leather goods and jewelry untuk promosi MISS JINJING.
Mbak Evie, sukses ya untuk ONEN SURONO.... Senang bisa bekerja sama...
Satu lagi nih.. karya Milis BSM dengan brand ONEN SURONO...
Keren banget kan... seperti biasa dong... milis BSM sangat membanggakan hati saya... Brand yang berkedudukan di Jogja ini , memiliki website yang sangat keren, ga kalah dengan website kelas internasional. Di website nya bisa dilihat semua karya karya terbaik dari ONEN SURONO yang menghasilkan karya perhiasan perak dan kulit terbaik....
Harga perhiasan ONEN SURONO juga masih reasonable, berkisar antara 1,5 juta ke atas... sepadan dengan nilai kreativitasnya....
Waktu lagi jalan kaki sepanjang pedestarian di jalan Mongkey Forest, Ubud, Bali, saya menemukan sebuah butik kecil yang sangat menarik isinya... dan setiap barang yang dijual sangat baik mutunya... Barangnya ada baju, souvenir modern dan pernak pernik rumah... yang tidak pasaran seperti yang biasa di jual di bali....
Biasa dong... ini mata paling tidak bisa lihat barang bagus... jadilah saya duduk di sana selama berjam-jam.. dan sales attendantnya sangat ramah sekali menemani saya ngobrol.... saya pulang membeli sebuah blus dan celana putih sederhana yang kalau sudah dipakai terlihat keren sekali.
Indus is the most beautiful Resto in Ubud..... Everything is so perfect... Interior Design is so comfy, food is so good.. ambience is so perfect, hospitality is so nice..., what a perfect combination...
Suggested Menu... Paela and Laksa... perfect with Moet Chandon...
Sambal Matah... Seger, Pedes.. tapi enak banget....
Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyy... to last bite....
Location... Jl. Raya Pengosekan... Ubud ( arah jelasnya..harus tanya sama supir yang antar saya dulu... )
Bebek Betutu... Pre order only... one day before..., Bebek Goreng Crispy, Bebek bakar satu paket dengan sambal matah, sambal tomat dan urap ala bali...
Harga satu set menu di Bebek Bengil ( Bebek Goreng Crispy 1/2 ekor, sambal matah, sambal tomat dan urap bali ) memang tidak murah.. Rp. 65.000,- ++
Enak banget di makan sambil minum sebotol bir bintang... dengan makanan penutupnya coconut cheese cake.... what a perfect life...
Scenery... Perfect... dengan latar belakang kolam teratai dan sawah... So romantic.. dont visit this site alone.... damn....
Indus Restaurant.. kasian amat... lunch sendirian... padahal semuanya perfect... food was so perfect.. ambience was so romantic... weather was so cool.... poor baby... poor me...
ANHERA, HOTEL, RESORT AND SPA, I never hate this so much.. being in Ubud, Bali, the most romantic place on earth, ALONE... This is so bad curse.. and i am cursed....i suppose to be here with my honey bunny.... , my love, my heart... and make sweet love in this romantic place..huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh...
Jacko is my gold phyton snake( usually found in untouched mangrove forest ), original indonesian rare and endangered species. He didn’t live anymore in mangrove forest, because most of mangrove in Jakarta has been destructed for reclamation and damaged by human for many reason. The destruction of the rest of Jakarta’s mangroves by mankind, however, is progressing extensively and intensively in a massive manner.Jacko is the victim of city development. He is now living in peace ( but I don’t think he is happy ) in SafariGarden , Cisarua, Bogor, West Java… He is the most amazing wild animal I ever seen and have…He was found in rice field in suburb bank in north Jakarta. At that time he was about 6 meters long. He was caught by two Indonesian. They were planning to sell Jacko , because they know that Jacko is rare species and has a good price if sold to collector. The first man ask to his friend to stay at where they found Jacko while he was looking for a cage and help to take Jacko out from there…
Back from searching for help, he found that his friend has gone with Jacko…. And he was so angry, and he directly chase him with sword in hand… and finally they fight for Jacko and the first man almost killed his friend with his sword… so very bad injured…Jacko was also very bad injured and was bleeding.In short… Police caught the first man, and poor Jacko become evidence….Jacko was brought to police station, where evidence is normal to be kept in Police station… but they don’t want to accept Jacko, they just said they don’t have budget to care Jacko. The court didn’t want to take care Jacko too…
Jacko’s condition was so bad and dying. I lived only couple block from the police station. I adopted it and named it Jacko and Jacko became my pet… not usual pet…frankly speaking scary pet. Unbelievable…. Jacko is so nice, and he changed my perspective about snake. He knows his new name is Jacko and he knows when we call him…. If we call him, he will open his eyes slowly and moving… he never scares anybody but still scary… He was feed by myself 6 alive chiken a week in his big wood cage. And he has bath once a week. He always sleeps after meal time for one week . He enjoys bath time a lot… ( I think so ) From Jacko’s perspective, he must think his life is so boring… coz he cant hunt…. Cant go here and there… only in 2m3 cage. I enjoyed having a good time with Jacko…but not my Dad, who always against me about Jacko as a pet…For him was ridiculuos and stupid to have wild animal as a pet, while at that time i had already 2,5 years old son…
Dang… I got pregnant… and for my Dad there was the right reason to kick out Jacko from home for my kid’s safety reason. Jacko was growing so fast after 4 years from 6 m became 10 meter long…. And so fat… coz no exercise… Dad pushed me to give Jacko to the zoo, but the zoo don’t want to accept him, due to lack of budget and facility… poor Jacko… and I called SafariGarden for Jacko…. Surprisingly, they want to accept Jacko… We made appointment 2 times… first to check Jacko condition by Safari Garden Vet and 2nd to pick up Jacko… Jacko was in prime condition and I was crying when they brought Jacko…
After one month , I got a phone call from the SafariGarden, telling me that Jacko was sick and didn’t want to eat in one month and they asked me to come and see him… I directly went to there.. and visit Jacko…. When I called his name, believe me, he opened his eyes, blinked…. moving forward to me And I feed him… with my own hands… he ate 8 chiken in couple minutes….. He surprised all the staff with our bound… He must make adjustment from cozy living in hot and humid North Jakarta to chilled mountain air in Cisarua , Bogor.He is now 12 m long ( one of the longest ever found and growing in cage) still safe in cozy with warm heater in Safari Garden.I am so happy and proud if my friend tell me that they just back from safari garden and saw my Jacko healthy…
Big thanks to Safari Garden Cisarua Bogor for their help ...
They are Bryan Boy ( ) and Miss Jinjing ( and )....
Bryan Boywith Theseus Chang, is Singapore Socialite, the Creative Director (and owner) of WORK Advertising, a design studio and advertising agency. He's a friend of Rei Kawakubo and he owns the Comme des Garçons Guerrilla store
Location,Takashimaya VIP Lounge, Orchard Road, Singapore Event, Marc Jacobs Private trunk show
MJ is proudly wearing Indonesian designer's from head to toe...DressfromPart One, Clutch Bag from Elizabeth Wahyu, Platform heels from Sebastian Gunawan BBis wearingMarc Jacob'sfrom head to toe....and his favourite Hermes Bag....
MJ) Hi gorgeous.. BB) Hi beautiful, sorry i am late... I just back from Photo session in Commes Des Garcon.... MJ) Hey, i love your new hairstyle.. so chic and trendy and in minutes become new hip style... who style it for you?? BB) You like it???? MJ) Damn.. its hot dear... sexy.. BB) It is made by my super adorable and talented stylist Junie, Action Salon at Paragon. It was a quite nice salon and i was in heaven...
MJ) Wowwwww, Dear, i envy you so much.You are my insipiration.. BB) Darling, you are an experd to make one fly to the moon hahhahaha MJ) No dear, I am serious... You are so damn success , the most successfull blogger in the world..and become the most inspirationfor famous fashion designer like Marc Jacobs... BB) Dear, please.... you are also so great, you think , i dont know???? you make so many men worldwide falling in love with you... i know some of them, and you know them hahhahaha.... the american and russian richie rich hahhahaha.... This is the first time i heard white, who's and who's keeps talking about very beautiful asian lady and dying to meet her.... and finally they admitted there is asian lady that can kill them with her heart , her beauty and her brain... MJ) Dear.. please... BB) Honey, please do not intterupt me... some of them, when i was in NYC ask me to introduce you to them.... will you??? MJ) Dear... please...( MJ is blushing in pink) BB) and some is already your admirer... hahhaha... dont tell me you dont know Mr. RH, Mr. JH and even Brian adam and Matt Damon only knows you as the only asian girl exists n this world , Mon Dieu.... MJ) mmmmppphhh.. Matt Damon..... BB) Dont lie to me, you dont have story with these great men... what are you doing to them with your magic spell? How you cast them??? I have to learn from you.... I haven got my prince charming yet !!!, may i borrow your magic spell and your tooth fairy??? MJ) sure dear, i ll send them to you by DHL one day service hahhahaa.... BB) hahahahhah
MJ)Dear.. i see you everywhere and in every magz worldwide... and i saw you in front row sitting beside world celebrities and talk intimately to Marc Jacobs in every greatest fashion show in fashion capital... how does it feel my dear??? BB) Honey, it is beyond my expectation... i luv them so much. It is a big reward for what i did MJ) Seems that all of them love you and adore you so much... BB) Oh honey, i dont think so... its just because i am unique..hhahahah MJ) You are the rarest piece on earth hahhaha BB) I never think that what Matt Damon told me is just so true... hahhaha... you are so loveable MJ) You are also so sweet, Bryan.... Dear, can i be honest to you??? BB) Yes, sure... MJ) Your presence in entertainment industry has legitimated that definition of gender has changed....Do you realize that??? BB) Really??? MJ) Yeah... beside woman from venus, man from mars.... now there is Bryan fall from solar system... hahahhaha.... BB) hahahha... I like that idea so much... OMG, you are so damn genious, Jinjing... MJ) I am glad you like it.... BB) Your article , Behind every great woman there is a gay best friend... is so touchy.... love it.. i read it thousands times... How could you has the same feeling as we have??? MJ) Darling, i am kind of sensitive girl... BB) Yeah.. i think so... you write from your heart... it is reflected..
MJ) Dear.. you are an inspiration of all blogger worldwide... you already become a queen of blogger... BB) Come on dear... you are their beloved princess hahahahah
BB) The first time i started Bryan Boy, i never thought it will be globally accepted.... its so nice reward to things i do with love and passion MJ) I guess so.... Nowadays, successful blogger is the new celeb.... hhahaha BB) Like we are.... hahhaha narciss... MJ) Dear, i love your outfit... i think it is Marc Jacob's BB) Hahaha.. you are still the best in fashion..... do you like it??? i ll ask Marc to send them to you....... MJ) Oh... brian... i dont mean..... BB) Sssstt... dont talk to much... you deserve it, princess....
Darling, Successfull bloggers are now a hip celebrities... just keep spirit in writing!!!
Lockit Suhali PMBag... Miss Jinjing's day to day bag....
Le Fabuleux Suhali Le Ingeneux PM Suhali
L'impeteuex Suhali
Le Confident Suhali
Miss Jinjing is falling in love with LV Suhali reissue.....
They are just so chic and elegant... just cant resist and an It Bag to die for....Miss Jinjing now is carrying LV Lockit Suhali MM in Black... and it really boost her confident... L'innageneux Suhali
Lockit Suhali
Lockit Suhali in Gold... One of Miss Jinjing's wish list... hohoho
A Serious Discuss From Miss Jinjing And His American Business Investor, JH. Miss Jinjing always admires his perspective and precognitive for the global future... He is always be Miss Jinjing's best business guru...
Located, Rafless Hotel, 1 Beach Road , Singapore.... Event, Sunday Brunch, at Bar and Billiard Room....
MJ) Oh... Hows your day, Hows your sleep dear??? JH)Good, but i turned off the TV and stop reading news paper.... thats why i am a bit relax now...
MJ) Why??? JH) You know what we are facing in US... MJ) Dear.. its not only US crisis... its already global crisis... JH) Yes... as you now... they have voted on it several time in the last week and it has been defeated each time. MJ) Dear, i was worried of you... i know... JH) I know that they will pass it, dear, at some point, the problem is that they are throwing worthless paper at the problem. There is nothing now to back up the money that the Mint will be printing. We are still spending 10 billion per week in Iraq, Iraq on a stupid and senseless war.
MJ) Dear, please.. keep the faith....My Dad teach me to have faith.... JH) Oh... Sure Dear... there is always faith... MJ) Indonesian crisis was even worst in 1998, from 1 USD 2000 become 1 USD 18000, inflation almost 1000% in 3 months, at that time, our dad income is in rupiah, but expenses in USD, coz my two sisters were still studying in from afford 2 kids in state become feel like afford 20 kids. JH) Wwow.... MJ) coz rupiah is no value at all, can you believe what my dad think?, I think you know how expensive Columbia University for foreigner. JH) I am sure he was concerned, even if he hide it. MJ) my dad never angry to all of us so bad, but at that time we were all in NYC, my sister only drink coke everyday , every time, one can of coke is USD 1 99, so from indonesian money Rp. 4.000, become Rp. 40.000 and my dad was so stress i think at that time, and for the first time he scolded my sister to stop drinking coke.... JH) Ouuuch, I am sure he was , dear...i dont just worry for myself MJ) FYI. sending kids to us to study is prestige to indonesian rich and famous but not all can survive in this situation, so bad. Many of my dad friends sent back her kids home, many just stop study and become illegal there, but my dad just said to my 2 sister, dont worry...all is enough untill both of you finish even its for phd . At that time, i know most of my dad saving was in rupiah, but he has faith for all of us. But there is GOD and his invisible hands... My 2 sister finished their study on time... and we are still survive... the whole family... God is never blind dear... JH) He is a special man and mustwork so very hard for the people. He must care so very much. What the papers and the news isn't saying is that already over 30 million americans have lost their homes and there is nothing being done to help them in the package. So many children are homeless from families that have worked hard all their lives to be successful and now they are out of work and out of a place to live because of what Bankers did out of greed.
MJ) Today, on board, i got Indonesian Newspaper and all about your country economy condition.. and its even 8 pages... isn't it scary???? And i just realized that some Indonesian Richie Rich got the effect, coz they have mutual fund account... in US Bank here...and i think dad maybe get into trouble too... but i cant reach him, he is out of town fishing for couple days... JH) Well, you know, the boat is sinking its full of holes... It is not so bad for man like your dad... MJ) It is written in Kompas, US Investment in Indonesia just ran in 1998 when we had riot and they moved their investment to China, Vietnam and Cambodia. What left here is only asian and european investment.. , so, may be China will be affected and our business with China will be affected soon.... JH) Dear, I think China keeps shooting itself in foot with negative press.... MJ) But most of Indonesian products are oil, gais, mineral, raw material, not consumer product... JH) I believe that will hold your economy in good stead for sometimes to come, but it have to move forward, natural products will run out as they have here sooner or later.... MJ) Just dont worry dear, its not the end of the world.... JH) I know,never will be the end for ours.... MJ) To be honest, i am just afraid after reading 8 pages news paper about US situation.... DAMN...... JH) I tired to tell you this MJ) Ok dear... please.... JH) It is a DAMN if you do and its is a DAMN if you dont... NONE IS GOOD..... MJ) All get its own consequences... JH ) I know dear, just going to have to ride it... My country is going into depression... , no matter what they do... period.... MJ) Like or dislike, we are going to face it.... but i dont care as long as our business still on track... JH) Yeahhhhh MJ) Cheers.... ( a glass of champagne... Krugs, Clos du Mesnil... the most expensive champagne in the world... ) JH) Cheers... for our business and our future...
keep the faith... God always has invisible hands.....
BSM was born in Muara Tebo, October, 6th , Jambi 2006..... It was a gift from My Mantan Pacar, that was really worried about me in depressed living in the very tiny beautiful small town, called Tebo, where is nothing but the tropical rain forest. My Mantan Pacar asked me to write again, the hobby that i love so much, but just left after being busy mommy for 3 cute boys....
To be honest, i was not really excited at that time...for some reason, BSM was just my trash bin when i need a stress relief... but it was suddenly changed, when i got some really good comment and feedback, and i was falling in love with my BSM...esp when it was published in Femina, Size Doesnt Matter....
I want to thank to , my mantan pacar, my auntie tante Widarti Gunawan and her sister, Tante Noesreini Meilala as my inspiration, both of you are so awesome and i am proud to be the small part of Djajadisastra family, not Djajadimatematika, hohohoho... , my in law Trinityfor giving me spirit, and my first BSM milis who made me believe, it will happen...
Million thanks to all of my 111000 readers that just read BSM, and i know some of them read BSM everyday with their coffee and breakfast, or when they have lunch at the office, or when they are preparing to go to bed.... some are just fell in love and some are just hate it... but i dont care, and just want to be thankful for all of them for reading BSM....
NowBSM has little beautiful sister, Miss Jinjing. You may like her or not... but she is the imaginary character of indonesian smart, beautiful, modern, chic and trendy woman. Hope you like her as much as you love BSM...
I know BSM is far from perfect, and it will never be perfect... it still need your responds and critics... and always be open...